
Posts Tagged ‘misconnection’

who I am

the body that aches
heavy and hopeless
as it feels bruises somewhere unfathomable
the heart that flinches
poisoned and defenseless
against calculated blows
as it struggles in vain to fight back somehow
the spirit that recoils
dim and numb
as it tries to comprehend
how easily the power of this love
ca be used as a weapon
the memories that torment
vivid and relentless
to remind me of how easily all is forsaken
Who you are
the body that aches
reaching and lashing
as it tries to hold on to control
the world cannot afford
the heart that flinches
scared and reactive
as it prepares itself for the desolation it feels
must be inevitable
the spirit that recoils
conflicted and complicated
as it vacillates
between a need for freedom and a need to be held
the memories that torment
damming and agonizing
as they taunt you
with clips of places better left abandoned
Who we are
a body capable of amazing feats
passionate and resilient
a heart that beats a mesmerizing rhythm
generous and unconditional
a spirit that dances to the heart’s wild song
rare and forgiving
memories crafted and perfected over years
adventurous and sweet
who gave us the right
to use these things
to destroy each other
who gave us the freedom
to so violently eschew our responsibilities to this commitment
the promises we made
to protect and cherish always
who looked away
while we flayed each other alive
our bodies survive
as all the things that make who we are beautiful
are hurled in anger
because who I am and who you are will heal
but who we are is much more delicate
and we have caused it so much pain
abandoning it somewhere in the darkness
of our own insecurities
because who we are is
good and strong
but each time we prove
how cruel we can be to one another
it gets a little farther away
and we cannot survive this way
my love
my partner
my body, my heart, my spirit
my memories
we must find the road
that returns us to who we are
Relationship Breakup

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